
Isaiah 37:16-17, Zechariah 8:18, 1 Samuel 17:45, Psalm 82:1-8, Ephesians 6:10-12
The Spiritual Realm (pt. 2: Divine Council)

In this series we will look at the various spiritual beings. We will explore more of what the Bible says about God, the divine council, angels, cherubim, Satan and demons. We will conclude the series by reflecting on how we are also spiritual beings that bear the image of God.

In this second message, we look deeper at the divine council and explore the name, Yahweh Tzevaot. God is the Lord over the divine council, the hosts of heaven, and the angel armies. We see how he criticizes the other gods and how he invites us into the spiritual battle against the forces of evil that seek to oppress, abuse, and dehumanize others.