
Joshua 6:22-23, Matthew 1:5-6, James 2:25
The Rehab of Rahab (pt. 2)

In this short, two-part series, we look at the Rehab of Rahab. Rahab was a prostitute, who risked her life by placing her faith in the God of the Hebrews. Her transformation represents how God works in all of our lives as we surrender to him and place our trust in his plan for our lives.

In this second and final message, we consider Rahab's discernment, deliverance and destiny. We look at why she lied to harbor the spies and the importance of changing our "what ifs" to "even ifs." We conclude that God used Rahab, like Ruth, even though she was a foreign woman. She was a significant part of the ancestry of Jesus, the Messiah.