
Acts 9:36-42
Leading the Charge (pt. 2: Tabitha)

In this series, we will examine the lives of various women who served as leaders in the early church. These women were evangelists, pastors, deacons, and so much more. As the modern church wrestles with the appropriate roles of leadership for women in the church, we must consider these important biblical examples.

In this second week, we look at a woman named Tabitha (Dorcas in Greek). Tabitha is noted to be a disciple of Jesus who served others through doing good, helping the poor and using her abilities to care for others (by making garments for them). When she dies, Peter comes and resuscitates her back to life, a hyperlink to Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. God still moves in the lives of his people as we seek to do good and serve those in need around us.